News / mettricks
Mettricks NEW Cutting facility is officially open
On Wednesday 19th August Sheila Dillon of the Food Programme on Radio 4 officially opened a new cutting plant at Mettrick’s...
John Mettrick - Fellow of the Institute of Meat
The great and the good of the meat industry came together this week to recognise and reward the winners of the Institute of Meat (IoM) and Worshipful Company of Butchers Awards.

National Sausage Week 2015
The biggest pork sausage celebration of the year is underway at Mettrick's, from 31st October 2015 - 8th November 2015, as everyone goes sizzling mad for our National Sausage Week 2015 offer! For every 500g of ANY sausage bought, we are giving you 12 pork breakfast sausages FREE!

The Great British Banger 2015
The results are in...
Mettrick's pork sausage is officially the best in Manchester!
Mettricks at... The Lowry Hotel!